Please Contact the Parish for contact information
Christian Service Center
322 Clay St., Niles 269-684-0637
Parishioners live out their Christian commitment to help those less fortunate by working at our Food Pantry and helping with holiday craft bazaars that benefit the CSC. Donations of food and money are always welcome. Non-perishable items may be placed in the basket in the backof the church.
Giving Tree
Each year we assist families in need by asking parishioners to purchase Christmas gifts for needy youngsters in our community. Giving Tree begins just before Thanksgiving and gifts are distributed to the parents of the children in mid-December.
St. Louis Parish in Haiti, Our Sister Parish
Our parish assists St. Louis de Gonzague parish in Camp Louis, Haiti. We take quarterly collections and have a yearly fundraiser in order to provide much needed help to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Haiti. Our contributions help provide teachers for St. Louis' school and other needs around the parish.
Funeral Dinners
This group arranges funeral dinners for parishioner families after the death of a loved one. They call parishioners and ask for donations of food to accompany meat and coffee provided by the parish. They prepare, serve and clean up after the dinner. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.
Stephen Ministry
Learn, Grow, and Serve by Becoming a Stephen Minister
Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, please prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual support and care to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. To find out more about Stephen Ministry, click Here.
Altar Care
This group is responsible for housekeeping primarily in the sanctuary and sacristy of the church. Teams of two work one weekend per month. Cleaning is done normally on Friday or Saturday at a time convenient to the volunteers and the church schedule.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls, third grade and older, who have received First Holy Communion are invited to serve at the Lord’s table. Training is provided.
All are invited to raise their voice in song by singing in one of our choirs or by assisting with musical accompaniment. Rehearsals are required.
Parishioners greet fellow parishioners and guests as they enter the church for weekend Masses in order to make everyone feel welcome for our celebration.
Parishioners desiring to proclaim the word of God at Mass are invited to become lectors. Training is provided.
Volunteers are always welcome to become ushers at Mass. Ushers are expected to arrive 15 minutes before Mass and welcome parishioners to Mass and assist them as needed in obtaining a seat. They assist during Mass by passing the collection basket and assisting the flow of parishioners during communion. After Mass, they distribute bulletins and make sure the church is left neat and tidy for the next Mass.
Liturgy Committee
This committee is responsible for working with the pastor to prepare liturgical celebrations throughout the year including celebration schedules, music, environment, etc.
Parish Finance Council
Assists the pastor in preparing an annual budget and keeping track of the parish’s financial status throughout the year. Meets quarterly at 5:00 pm in the Parish Center, and as needed.
Parish Building & Grounds Council
Assists the pastor with determining the maintenance and upkeep needs of our buildings and grounds. Meets on an as needed basis.
Knights of Columbus
Regular Monthly Meetings are the second Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm at the K of C Hall, 520 Platt St., Niles MI. For information regarding the rental of the K of C Hall, please call the number on the front of the bulletin.
Calvary Cemetery Board
Oversees the administration, care and upkeep of Calvary Cemetery and the old St. Joseph Cemetery in Bertrand.
Boy Scout Troop 579
Cub Scout Pack 579